Entry Elevation - Evening
Exhibit Space
Exhibit Space - Shroud Wall
Shroud of Maria - Detail
Exhibit Space - Detail
Vestibule - from Gallery
South Elevation - Daytime
South Elevation - Detail
South Elevation - Evening

La Cappella – The Shroud of Maria

La Cappella de Nuestra SeƱora Maria del Camino is a non-denominational, devotional chapel, inspired by medieval pilgrimage chapels and their contemporary, modern art interpretations : The Rothko Chapel, Elsworth Kelly’s Austin Chapel, Matisse’s La Chapelle du Rosaire, Louise Nevelson’s Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Peter Zumthor’s Brother Klaus Chapel, and many others. All are singular spaces designed by artists and architects for non-sectarian contemplation, introspection and spiritual enlightenment. In this spirit, La Cappella was built in 2018 at the Field Station in Gardiner, New York to house the Shroud of Maria, one of the primary relics created from the multi-media art piece, Maria del Camino, by the artist/architect Bruce Tomb. Other displays in the space describe the origin, development and details of Maria del Camino and the creation of the Shroud of Maria. See mariadelcamino.tumblr.com for more information on Maria del Camino.

La Cappella’s ongoing mission is to provide gallery space and exhibition support for artists who have created a lifetime body of work but have had few opportunities in the commercial art gallery/museum system to show their significant achievements. La Cappella is a non-profit, non-funded, non-organized, ad-hoc collaborative of artists, filmmakers, architects, sculptors, photographers, multi-media artists, environmental designers, and dear friends and family who all support the arts and the artists who make our world a better, more inspiring place, for all.

Your support and encouragement is welcome.